PlayStation 4 Controller on PC

Dual Shock 4

Sony Play Station Dual Shock 4

Twitter maniac Yoshida (kind of a president of PlayStation) twitted about Dual Shock 4 (PlayStation 4 controller), that it will be fully compatible with PC. Good news is, you guys won’t even need drivers to connect it, bad news is that Dual Shock sucks, at least Dual Shock 3 used to suck. Yoshida says 4 will be better than 3 (surprise eh?).

Off topic, I’ve seen lot of guys buying controllers / joysticks of different consoles hoping to connect it with PC, modifying connectors trying to hook it with USD but I’ve never seen anyone fully satisfied with any kind of controller hooked with PC. Good old Keyboard / Mouse Beats any controller out there. So, it’s not like we’re hearing a huge news, this was just a reply of Shuhei Yoshida to someone’s tweet, asking if there will be a driver available for Dual Shock 4 for PC.

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